Tag: New Year

The Year in Review


Once a year go some place you’ve never been before. ~~ Dalai Lama XIV

My life has seen some major changes in the last 2 1/2 years. Not only did I retire early but I moved here to Las Vegas in September of 2015. Strange in a way, as I had no family here and only a few acquaintances. But I wasn’t deterred, as I was assured of sunny, warm weather and I knew there’d be new friends and experiences just ahead.

Seven months after my move I left for an extended road trip in the spring of 2016. I expected to travel around 7,000 miles and to be away for 40-45 days. A long time certainly to be on the road, but I had plans, lots of them.


It Ain’t Easy Bein’ Me

My apologies to my loyal followers.  For the last month my life has been in disarray with a few major changes.  A new, but temporary job… a new residence in a new neighborhood… medical issues… little to no Internet access and car problems have stymied my writing efforts of late.  To say the least my posts have not been as frequent as I had hoped.  But, with money coming in and Internet at home expected this week, things are finally looking up.  My sincere thanks to all of you that visit here often and especially for your welcomed comments and support.  Now on with the blog!

When in my thirties I was watching a television show one night about depression.  When it was over I realized that the way I was feeling wasn’t “normal” and that I was in fact suffering from depression.  It was an eye-opening experience to say the least.  The word epiphany definitely applies.

Many of my family have suffered the same, some of them worse than others.  I recall my mother — especially during the holidays — often speaking about having “the blues.”  I wish I had understood then what my mother was going through but I was young and unable to relate.  Little did I know that I too would someday suffer the same malaise.  Like a lot of things I thought… that only happens to other people. (more…)