Tag: Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, 1955 – 2011

No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share.
~~ Steve Jobs ~~

Steve Jobs

I had planned to post something different in the morning, but just over an hour ago I saw the news on the Internet of the death of Apple founder Steve Jobs. The fear I wrote of, just a little more than a month ago, that his time might be short, has sadly been realized.

In June of 2005 Jobs left a touching and timely commencement message with the graduating students of Stanford University. From his unique perspective and very personal experiences he urged those graduates to pursue their dreams and to look to the various setbacks of life for the opportunities that present themselves, including death itself.

I’m not sure why I am as saddened about Jobs’ death as I am. I guess it has something to do with his young age and all that he had to offer the world, now cut short in the prime of his life. The world won’t be the same without Steve.


Steve Jobs – The Greatest of Our Time

Hardly anyone knew this kid back in-the-day.  “Steve who?” people would have said.  No one knew the man he would someday become.  The visionary, the mover, the shaker.  He’s an inventor, a manufacturer, a retailer and compared to those who came before him — he is the best of them all.  Always the target of skeptics and constant criticism, and always the one who had the last laugh.

I wrote those words just a few weeks ago in preparation for a blog about Steve Jobs.  Little did I know what was soon ahead.

You no doubt heard the news last week about the Apple founder who was treated for pancreatic cancer in 2004 followed by a liver transplant two years ago.  In January of this year Jobs took a leave of absence from his duties at Apple to concentrate on his failing health.  Last Thursday he announced in a brief resignation letter to the Board of Directors and the Apple Community:  “I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s CEO, I would be the first to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come.”

Jobs & the Macintosh – 1984

Unfortunate indeed. (more…)