Tag: Jimmy Stewart

It’s a Wonderful Life

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Although it’s a Christmas classic the movie It’s a Wonderful Life wasn’t actually released to theaters until after Christmas on January 7th, 1947, 67 years ago today.*

Since the time I was a young boy lying on the floor and watching the old movies of the 30’s and 40’s, on a small, maybe 12 or 13 inch black and white television, I’ve always loved actor Jimmy Stewart. It was my mother’s fondness for him that initially led me to this discovery. Having my own roots in a small western Pennsylvania community, only 60 miles from Jimmy’s hometown, also helped to cement my affection for him.

But somehow, inexplicably one of Stewart’s greatest movies — It’s a Wonderful Life — went unnoticed by me until sometime in the 1980’s.


It Was a Wonderful Life

Jimmy Stewart
Jimmy Stewart (1908-1997)

This past Saturday July 2nd marked the fourteenth anniversary of the death of my favorite actor Jimmy Stewart. Over the span of his 89 years Stewart created an enduring movie legacy that is matched by few. But being one of Hollywood’s most revered film stars wasn’t all there was to the legend. Stewart was also a devoted husband and father, a humanitarian, a patriot, and a bona fide war hero. Here are a few things about him you may not have known.
