Secure in Love

Love is a subject of frequent discussion here on my blog. I’ve often heard people talk about how they were secure in knowing the love their parents had for them. I certainly hope my children felt secure in the love their mother and I had for them. But, I’ve never felt that kind of security… it has escaped me throughout my life. In all the relationships I’ve had, with maybe one exception with a good friend, I have never felt secure in love.

In the same regard, I’ve never known unconditional love. Unconditional love and support can take a person a long ways in life, places they never dreamed possible. If only the other person knew.

What a great blessing that would have been. How it might have changed my life. For those of you who enjoy that kind of love — secure and unconditional — shame on you should you ever take it for granted.

2 thoughts on “Secure in Love

  1. Hi Rick, I do think we would all “love” to have had unconditional love. Or committed love if any at all – intermittent love – a thread of love, any love – hello, people, I’m here! love.

    I’m not sure people are capable of it. Though being a parent, for me, is as close as I get. And believe me, he has pushed the line on that for me!

    I think that having respect and being heard outrank what people are just not capable of giving. Movie love stories (as in Hallmark movies that I enjoy) have permeated our society way too much. If we want unconditional love, we need to get a dog!


  2. Hi Rick, Sorry to hear that. I am very fortunate in my relationships. I have that kind of security with my four children, of course, and TJ and I have established that kind of relationship. The Gospel is the key. She is absolutely strong in the Church and we are sealed in the temple, so we both feel absolutely secure and recognize how eternally significant that is. I sure do wish you all the very best and look forward to spending some time with you this summer as we are hoping to be in the Puget Sound area for a part of it. All the best! Bob

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